Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Living Dead

We had book group last night, and I didn't get home until 1:45 this morning. I should have left earlier, but how do you remove yourself from a gathering of friends with good food and sparkling conversation?

Of course, we discussed the book (some) and it probably should have warranted far more discussion. A Brief History of the Dead is the story of a city in which the dead dwell until the last person who remembers them dies. The city suffers quite a bit change when a virus is unleashed on the unsuspecting population and wipes out almost everyone.

It asks the questions, how many people have made an impression on you that lingers in your memories? How many will remember you? And, what is the best thing you have ever done?

After book talk, we talked about politics and television, food and traffic, the new sins, and the governor of New York. We had a lovely meal of a ham and bean soup served with salad and cornbread, and gingerbread.

I have to pick the book for May...what to choose? What to choose?

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