Monday, May 28, 2007

In Review

First, WAITRESS. It was one of those movies you left with a smile on your face. I immediately wanted to see it again. And I wanted pie. Kerri Russell was sweet and cute and Nathan Fillian was charming.

Second, movie night. Only one of my GF's had ever seen Rachael and the Stranger, so it was a treat to introduce it to them. William Holden was so handsome, Loretta Young so lovely. But all I could think of when watching Robert Mitchum was Matt LeBlanc. I had never before been struck by the similarities, but I kept expecting Robert Mitchum to say "How you doin'?"

Topper was masked by...go figure...conversation. We would occasionally turn to watch the movie, but discussions of the finally of Lost and Heroes, among other things, kept distracting us.

The food was good. I made Sloppy Joes and had bought a chocolate pie. Karen made a delicious bean salad and brought strawberries and bananas. Lesa came with an assortment of goodies including Chex Mix, mozzarella sticks, stuffed jalapenos, and cole slaw. Ruth brought a yummy lemon chess pie, and Kim made a wonderful lemon cake.

Then I was up early yesterday morning to go visit Mom. I left the house a little after seven but made a stop at Walmart before hitting the road. I made it to the hospital a little before eleven. Sis had spent the night and Dad had come to relieve her until I arrived. He stayed thru lunch and the went home to do some things around the house. Mom had a visit from friends during the afternoon and then Dad came back in time for dinner. He left before seven and I settled in for the evening.

I am quite frightened about Mom's health. Her speech is slurred much of the time and she has lost quite a bit of motor control. There is a slackness on one side of her face. And she is so confused. So I spoke to my cousin this morning. Emily is an OT and far more knowledgeable about such things than I. She said that without seeing her, it sounded as though Mom might have had a small TIA. The most reassuring thing she said was that if had been something else, the doctors would have been giving her brain scans.

Let's talk about the confusion....last nite I confirmed the time every 15 t0 20 minutes. "Is it 3:00?" "Yes ma'am, it is 3:00." "Is it 4 or 5?" "It's 4." Then there was the "Where am I?" Every few minutes she asked, in some form or another, where she was. Her feet were cold. Her feet were hot. Her hand hurt (the antibiotic IV), she wanted to sit up, she wanted to raise the bed, she wanted to lower the bed. Aren't those curtains pretty? Where was Harvey? Who was going to stay the night? All in a regular rotation.

I came back to Mom and Dad's to get a little sleep, but find that I am unable to do so. I think that the time has come for me to consider packing up and moving back. My heart hurts.

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