Monday, December 6, 2010

O Christmas Tree

I'm being very brave this year. I put up a Christmas tree.

My beloved Prissy was never phased by the presence of the Christmas tree. This cannot be said of ZsaZsa and Eva.

I was very careful to put my most expensive, beloved, and fragile ornaments up high but they have managed in the last few hours to knock loose and roll around the house a couple of glass balls.


I like the candlelight setting on my camera, but you can't really tell much about the ornaments.

With the flash on, the ornaments are clear but you really can't tell how beautiful it looks with the lights on.


But you can tell, if you look carefully, that the tree skirt is a great place for a nap.

ZsaZsa napping

Now I just have to finish the decorating, put up the rubber totes, bake cookies, make candy, wrap presents,


try to keep the tree upright and the decorations in tact.

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