Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Ghost of Christmas (JUST) Passed

I spent Saturday evening with my girlfriends. We ate, we drank, we talked, we exchanged gifts. I received a lovely assortment of wonderful things, including triple milled soap and EVOO and vintage handkerchiefs and a photo album. It was a wonderful time. I gave everyone a wreath made of gumdrops (either red or green) a bottle of Kahluah and a bottle of amaretto and a jar of jam (all made by moi) on a Christmas platter.

I worked Monday morning and then headed out from the office to my folks' house. We had a lovely meal and played "Dirty Santa".

I gave my folks a digital camera and memory card. I gave a niece a digital camera. I received a digital camera. It was a camera Christmas. Sis liked her non-stick frying pan and her hubby was thrilled with golf balls and a computer game. The nieces, being teens, were less than effusive, but seemed happy with the gifts they received. The thing they seemed to like best, each of them, was the pen with a cartoon character on top that lights up when you write.

For Christmas dinner, I made a herb crusted standing rib roast with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, Waldorf salad, and beer bread. Dessert was Molten lava cakes. It was a fine meal, even if I do say so myself.

I left the folks' house a little after 6 this morning and got to work by 9. My car is filled with loot and I'm so sleepy I can't keep my eyes open. And to top it all off, we are having systems issues today and there is no one in the entire company that can help.

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