The doctor has finally,
officially stated that my mom had a stroke. That's right, after 5 months, we now know (wink, wink) that she had a stroke. Not even a TIA...a full blown stroke. Gee! What was your first clue doc? The fact that she couldn't walk? Or talk? Or couldn't use her right hand? Sheesh!
Sorry, I don't mean to sound bitter. I am, but I don't mean to sound that way.
On a happier note, I went shopping this morning. I bought books, and sodas, and cheese.
I was at the bank at 9 this morning, and out by 9:05. Then I hit Barnes & Noble to pick up the book for group Friday night. I also bought the latest Kimberly Raye vampire dating service and California Demon by Julie Kenner. And I got Bear's Boys for Dad for his birthday--36 different men relating how playing for Bear Bryant impacted their lives.
After B&N, I hit Target. I've been cleaning out my make-up lately and needed to replace a couple of things. So I bought new powder and concealer plus three 12 packs of Diet Coke Plus and a new printer/scanner/copier. I had actually meant to get that at Best Buy, but they weren't open.
I so badly wanted to go to Off Broadway Shoes, but instead went to Wild Oats. I picked up some lovely flowers, some steel cut oats, and three different kinds of cheese. I was home by noon, where I had a Diet Coke Plus and some Stilton with apricots for lunch with grapes and a piece of french bread.
I now need to vacuum.
And sweep.
And mop.
And dust.